Sunday, February 16th:
Kickball is cancelled today due to field conditions.
Flag Football will be re-evaluated for field conditions by 2:30pm and this alert will be updated by that time.
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Kickball | Summer Softcore Kickball at Gabriel Park #4 Sundays

Player of the Game:

Nikki H
Demonstrating a stellar performance in right field, Nikki never stopped giving 100% on both offense


Butts and Gutts

Winning Team Photo
Gabriel Park Field #4
Sunday, July 17th, 2016
Field Field #4

Score Recap

Kicksaurus: Kicky McKickface
Butts and Gutts

slight aggression

Butts and Gutts player gets defensive.
Sam H. was playing first base coach when (I'm pretty sure it was Nikki H. a family member of his, went to the ground coming into second. She leaned toward the mound trying to avoid the tag/throw, stepped on the base on fell over as the ball touched her. The way the momentum was going, it could have easily been seen like she was stricken to the ground by a hard tag. Sam started to walk towards second, with one of his teammates holding him back. The runner assured him it was okay, and the situation cooled down. I asked Sam to focus any aggression on calls towards me. Nothing happened after.