About Underdog Kickball








Wanna feel like a kid again?  Underdog Kickball brings a fresh new twist to the adult recreational sports scene. Kickball... yes, just like you played in 5th grade, is a game that closes the age and gender gap, if but a little.  This great playground pastime is now back for adults 21 and older to enjoy. So far, ages for players have ranged from 21-61, all in the same division.  We at Underdog Kickball encourage rivalries, cheering, and general fun; but if you are an individual looking for an extremely competitive sport, our leagues may not be for you. Remember, it's just kickball, you can’t really get that worked up or mad about anything…it's just kickball.  The idea behind kickball - past and present - is to have fun first, win second. Win or lose, what's better than being out there having fun with friends? And... the upside of kickball for grown-ups is the chance to go to a local sponsor bar after the game, socialize and hang out.
Kickball seasons are 6 games long with an additional 2 weeks of playoffs for the top teams. Depending on your regular season record and tie-breakers, the bottom few seeds might not qualify for the playoffs.


The Underdog Kickball Rulebook is now the same all divisions! For a detailed description of Rookie, Softcore, and Midcore Divisions that will help you decide what's best for your team, please click here.
Please follow all posted park and city rules.  Alcohol is best served at the sponsor bar after the games.
3 ways to get outs:
1) Catch a flyball
2) Force out at a base (like baseball) 
3) Hit a runner below the neck with the ball
  • No metal or screw-in cleats or spikes, please.
  • 10 players on the field, everyone bats. Coed format - minimum 4 women in the field. 
  • 2 strikes for an out. A strike is over the plate, below the knee.
  • Each game is 7 innings or 55 minutes, whichever happens first. 
  • Females are allowed to bunt if the score is within in 6 runs.
  • Run cap = 7 runs per your team's at bat (half-inning). Nine runs can be exceeded when the final play scores multiple runs. There is no run cap during the final inning of a game.No side-arm or overhand pitch delivery permitted.


  • Pitching rules have been revised to further emphasize getting the ball kicked - not striking people out or making kickers look bad.
  • When the pitcher releases the ball, she/he must keep one foot on the pitching rubber until the ball is kicked
  • Umpires will not permit curving the ball or excessive speed on pitches.
 The main rule is for everyone to remember that you are playing Kickball - it's all about having fun and meeting new people!


How many people do I need for a Team?

Teams generally consist of 10-15 players. Generally 6 males and 4 females play at a time.  Minimum of 3 males and females, maximum of 6 males and females (no maximums or minimums for non-binary players).  12-13 should be a good base. 


How competitive are the Teams with Underdog ?
Underdog has several skill divisions of kickball. Some teams practice and have positions but many do not. You can always schedule practices and put fancy lineup sheets in the duggout, but that is never a pre-requisite to play kickball with us. Underdog does not provide field time for practice or schedule practices for teams. 
Underdog has made a few rules adjustments aimed at keeping kickball goofy and fun no matter what level of competitive spirit your team wants to bring out on the diamond. For a more in depth explanation of rules variations between divisions, please click here.
Rookie Division
  • Teams and Players that are New to Kickball for "Grown-Ups" 
  • No Matter how much athletic prowess you have, we've found it takes a season to get used to the ins and... outs (sorry) of adult kickball 
  • Teams are still considered Rookie if they only have 3 (or fewer) players who have played a season of Underdog Kickball - Rookie is closed to teams and players who have played 1 or more seasons of Underdog Kickball
ALL teams and players should START in Rookie for the their FIRST season as a primer before they jump in with more experienced teams.
Softcore Division
  • Has your team played kickball before? 
  • But a few of your players still don't really know or care about the finer points of force outs or tagging up? 
  • Would your team not really miss the scoreboard most games?
Softcore is the place to be for teams that aren't Rookies but like that kind of feel. Crazy Kickball fun is the goal - with crazy outfits, a less than encyclopedic handle on the rules, and goofy chants all part of the plan. 
Midcore Division
  • Is your team kinda good at Kickball? 
  • Like to treat Kickball a little more like a competitive sport? 
  • Like to try out there on the diamond... but still have trouble remembering the score some innings?
Midcore is the spot for teams that have played multiple seasons of Underdog Kickball, and have a solid handle on both the rules of baseball/softball and the Underdog format. Fun is absolutely the goal - but it's alright to take a look at that scoreboard now and then, or to run that grounder out like you mean it (maybe while wearing a crazy 70s outfit, or a gorilla suit...).