W | L | T |
6 | 0 | 0 |
Tuesday, September 12 |
7:00 PM | Lanes 3 and 4 |
Balls Deep
Win 3 - 1 |
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Tuesday, September 19 |
7:00 PM | Lanes 1 and 2 |
Spare Me
Win 3 - 1 |
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Tuesday, September 26 |
7:00 PM | Lanes 3 and 4 |
Gutter Punks
Win 4 - 0 |
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Tuesday, October 3 |
7:00 PM | Lanes 1 and 2 |
Misfits - Indy #1
Win 4 - 0 |
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Tuesday, October 10 |
7:00 PM | Lanes 7 and 8 |
Napoleon Bowlomite
Win 4 - 0 |
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Tuesday, October 17 |
7:00 PM | Lanes 1 and 2 |
Balls Deep
Win 3 - 1 |
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With a long distance call to S.F., and phone raised, absent Bourbon Crew captain Tye listened in on the final score from the championship game. "Winning 1st place, and STILL Big Turkey Bowling Champions, THE BOURBON CREW!" <br><br>
At times in the night it seemed as though we would have a new champion as Spare Me rolled the highest score of the first round, a 580 against the Gutter Punks. With the Bourbon Crew not exactly lighting it up in their first game they rolled a 506 to squeeze into the final match by 24 points. Then came the domination that The Big Turkey is used to from the BC. Without Captain Tye and Mr. Betsy Ross to anchor the team Mrs. Betsy Ross upped her score from a first game 61 to a 144, Kip bowled 30 points better in the second game, and even Lucas found a way to tack on 11 pins to his stellar 180 in the first game. <br><br>
Spare Me put up a great effort but in the end the Bourbon Crew sang, bowled, and drank on to victory. <br><br>
The 3rd place game pitted Timbers Army rivals Gutter Punks and Balls Deep. Trask was the name of this game as he threw a 198 to give Balls Deep a third place finish.
Thanks to all who rocked out with us in their pajamas! PJ might just have to find its way into the regular rotation of theme nights. Heck, we even saw a couple wear each others bed clothes to the lanes. Nice teddy by the way Kip!
While we usually don't give POTW to the same person two weeks in a row, but Amy (aka Betsy Ross) rolled a second game that was 78 points better than her first. That was nearly the difference between the two teams in the championship. So it's safe to say that without Betsy, the Bourbon Crew might have one less championship. Way to get it done Betsy, your hubby and Cap'n Tye better both be very very grateful you added another champ shirt to their wardrobe!
Anytime you bring me a pyramid of tots you are a lock for POTW, but in this case Amy also had the highest ladies score of the night - while bowling on another team! Her 162 was "My best score evvverrrrr!" Thanks to Kyle amd everyone else who made the tot gift happen and to Amy for always being at the center of anything that's great about this league.
Lucas, Lucas, Lucas... this man was thowing up so many X's we here at Underdog thought we had stumbled into a Xhibit concert. A few drink tickets and one shirt later, Lucas had racked up 265 points and 8 strikes in a row! Lucky for all the other teams Underdog caps the individual scores at 205. Timbers Army...errr, Bourbon Crew strikes again!
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