Golf Ballaz- Indy #2 plays in a Mini Golf league

Golf Ballaz- Indy #2

Summer Co-ed Drinks on the Links 2 - Wednesdays - SUM[08] Co-ed Drinks on the Links 2 - Wednesdays
Total Score

Team Schedule

We are currently working on the schedule.
Please check back later.


Third Place

Summer Co-ed Drinks on the Links 2 - Wednesdays

Wednesday, August 13

POTW: Melissa Gruchacz

Golf Ballaz- Indy #2

Melissa proved invaluable to her team tonight. Not only did she help her team with their run at the leaders, what really made her both the player of the night and the season was her Spirit Ticket courier skills. Her team decided to go with "Toga Party" as their theme but this choice had one major caveat; no pockets! Melissa came up with a creative way to collect and hold her team's ticket collection =).