Late Fall Co-ed Kickball at Lewis & Clark College Sundays
6 Players in Common
Pitch Please
Fall Co-ed Softball at Normandale Park Stadium Mondays
3 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Red Rubber Showdown 15 - Kickball Tournament
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Lewis & Clark College Sundays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
The Road Sodas
Fall Softcore Kickball at Arbor Lodge Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
Hit or Miss
Fall Co-ed Softball at Normandale Park Stadium Tuesdays
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Fall Co-ed Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Hit or Miss
Summer Co-ed Softball at Gabriel Park Sundays
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Lil Baddies
Summer Softcore Kickball at Arbor Lodge Park Tuesdays
3 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Red Rubber Showdown 14 - Kickball Tournament
Captain and
6 Players in Common
The Road Sodas
Spring Co-ed Kickball at Arbor Lodge Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Spring Co-ed Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Lewis & Clark College Sundays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Late Fall Co-ed Kickball at Lewis & Clark College Sundays
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Fall Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
5 Players in Common
Fall Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
3 Players in Common
21 Outs
Fall Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
4 Players in Common
21 Outs
Red Rubber Showdown 13 - Kickball Tournament
4 Players in Common
Kick Asset’s
Red Rubber Showdown 13 - Kickball Tournament
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Kick Asset’s
Summer Co-ed Kickball at Arbor Lodge Park Sundays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
21 Outs
Summer Co-ed Kickball at Arbor Lodge Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Spring Co-ed Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
21 Outs
Spring Co-ed Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
4 Players in Common
Big City Slams
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Lewis & Clark College Sundays
4 Players in Common
21 Outs
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Lewis & Clark College Sundays
4 Players in Common
Gas Grass & Ass
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Lewis & Clark College Sundays
3 Players in Common
21 Outs
Late Fall Co-ed Kickball at Lewis & Clark College Sundays
4 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Late Fall Co-ed Kickball at Lewis & Clark College Sundays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Fall Co-ed Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
21 Outs
Fall Co-ed Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
3 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Summer Midcore Kickball at Arbor Lodge Park Wednesdays
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Summer Co-ed Kickball at Arbor Lodge Park Sundays
Captain and
9 Players in Common
21 Outs
Summer Midcore Kickball at Arbor Lodge Park Wednesdays
3 Players in Common
Spring Co-ed Kickball at Arbor Lodge/Peninsula Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Spring Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mondays
3 Players in Common
21 Outs
Spring Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
3 Players in Common
21 Outs
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Delta Park (Artificial Turf) Sundays
4 Players in Common
Late Fall Co-ed Kickball at Delta Park (Artificial Turf) Sundays
Captain and
12 Players in Common
Wrong Hole
Summer Cornhole at Westmoreland Park Thursdays
4 Players in Common
Betty Ford Allstars
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Portland State (Artificial Turf) Sundays
3 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Portland State (Artificial Turf) Sundays
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Fall Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
10 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Red Rubber Showdown 12 - Kickball Tournament
Captain and
10 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Summer Softcore Kickball at Gabriel Park Mon/Wed
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Spring Rookie/Softcore Kickball at Peninsula Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Spring Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
9 Players in Common
I’ll come up with something later
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Portland State (Artificial Turf) Sundays
4 Players in Common
Kick Assets
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Portland State (Artificial Turf) Sundays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Bunt Stuff
Late Fall Kickball at Buckman Field (Artificial Turf) Sundays
4 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Fall Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Zombie Turtles
Fall Co-ed Softball at Normandale Park Stadium Mon/Tue
3 Players in Common
Going Off Constantly
Summer Rookie/Softcore Kickball at Peninsula Park Sundays
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Zombie Turtles
Summer Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mon/Tue
3 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Red Rubber Showdown 11 - Kickball Tournament
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Summer Softcore Kickball at Gabriel Park Mon/Wed
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Going Off Constantly
Spring Rookie/Softcore Kickball at Peninsula Park Sundays
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Zombie Turtles
Spring Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mon/Tue
3 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Spring Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Tight winter muffs
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Portland State Sundays
3 Players in Common
Off Constantly
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Portland State Sundays
5 Players in Common
Zombie Turtles
Fall Co-ed Softball at Normandale Park Stadium Mon/Tue
3 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Fall Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
9 Players in Common
La Kickaracha
Summer Softcore Kickball at Sewallcrest Park Sundays
5 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Red Rubber Showdown 10 - Kickball Tournament
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Summer Softcore Kickball at Peninsula Park Wednesdays
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Pretentious Beast
Spring Softcore Kickball at Sewallcrest Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
Zombie turtles
Spring Co-ed Softball at Irving Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Spring Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Pretencious Pitches
Winter Co-ed Kickball at Portland State Sundays
4 Players in Common
Bode Mates
Fall Softcore Kickball at Sewallcrest Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Going Hard with a Rubber
Fall Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Summer Softcore Kickball at Peninsula Park Thursdays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Faces Loaded
Red Rubber Showdown 9 - Kickball Tournament
3 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Spring Softcore Kickball at Peninsula Park Sundays
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Pitch Don't Kill My Vibe
Spring Softcore Kickball at Gabriel Park Sundays
4 Players in Common
Whoop Dat Kick
Fall Softcore Kickball at Gabriel Park/ Custer Park Sundays
3 Players in Common
Going Hard With A Rubber
Summer Softcore Kickball at Peninsula Park Tuesdays
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Going hard with a rubber
Red Rubber Showdown 7 - Kickball Tournament
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Nacho Mama
Red Rubber Showdown 6 - Kickball Tournament
3 Players in Common
Nacho Mama
Summer Softcore/Midcore Co-Ed Kickball at Alberta Park Sundays
3 Players in Common