Kickball Schedule

Spring Portland Kickball - Sunday Afternoons

Sunday, April 30

Indy Team #4
Da Unstoppables
Its the bottom of the 7th, the game is tied, and you have a chance to win it. The pitch comes is a little outside, but you decide to go ahead a take a kick at it. It may not be a perfect boot over the center field fence like you imagined when you were five, but none the less it scores the run and your team - Da Unstopoables - prove that they are indeed unstopable. Edgar did just this, leading his team to victory, with not the prettiest of kicks, but the winning kick none the less. Cheers to a great day of kickball @ Unthank, and Edgar who's kick, however ugly, won the first game of Spring Kickball for his team. Congrats Edgar.
Field 1
2:00 PM
  Da Unstoppables [2]
  Last Picked [1]
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
POTG: Michelle R
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
POTG: Allen S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, May 7

Kickball is ON for today.
Blue Balls forfeited to Indy Team #4.
Da Unstoppables, The Unholy Rollers
POTW: Amanda
There were the players who decided it was too rainy to play. And then there were those who said, "Rain, that's just water right?" and got out there and played some muddy kickball. <br><br>

Amanda played not only 1 game in the drizzle, but followed up with a 2rd game in a downpour to fill in for a player. <br><br>

Here is to you Amanda, for helping The Alcoholkicks and Indy Team 2 to victories.

Field 1
2:00 PM
POG: Tyler
3:00 PM
POTG: Jason G
4:00 PM
POTG: Eric H
5:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, May 14

Double Headers
Blue Balls
Indy Team #4
POTW: Kendra
Da Unstoppables
If there was a gold glove for Underdog Kickball it would probably wouldn't even be made of gold but some lesser metal like alumnium or even plastic that is just painted to look like metal. But since we don't have a gold glove, or even plactic glove, we give out POTW honors instead.
This week for her valuable defensive contribution to Da Unstopables, Kendra's name lands highest on our list. She caught everything that came towards second, some that would have landed in the outfield, and even poached one from the player at first base.
Oh, and if you haven't seen Kendra's socks check em out. Just be warned... I think thats how she gets you to kick it to her.

Field 1
1:00 PM
POTG: Samantha G
2:00 PM
POTG: Jamie W
3:00 PM
  Blue Balls [4]
  The Free Ballers [11]
POTG: Brian N
4:00 PM
POTG: Paul H
5:00 PM
  Kicmaballs [1]
  Da Unstoppables [2]
POG: Kendra
6:00 PM
POTG: Joshua H

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, May 21

Double Headers
Da Unstoppables, Thundercats - Indy #3
Indy Team #4, Last Picked, School Yard Bullies, The Free Ballers, Tri Lambs-Indy #2
POTW: Alex
The Unholy Rollers
Alex made sunday a holy day for the unholy rollers leading his team in the most dramatic game of the day at Unthank. After a comeback in the bottom of the 7th the Unholly rollers poured in on in extra innings to seal the deal. Nice work Alex...
Field 1
1:00 PM
POTG: Allen S
2:00 PM
POTG: Johnny K
3:00 PM
POTG: Jeff T
4:00 PM
POTG: Greg B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, June 4

Double Headers
Last Picked, The Unholy Rollers
Indy Team #4
POTW: Lacey Castellano
Thundercats - Indy #3
In the bottom of the 5th inning the Thundercats had a close game going against the School Yard Bullies... After the 6th Lacey had scored the go ahead run and The Thundercats had a 3 run lead. Lacey finished off them Bullies on the hill, throwin' strikes and catching everything remotely close to the pitchers mound. Congrats Lacey, you beat up on the Bullies and are POTW!

Field 1
1:00 PM
  Last Picked [2]
  Da Unstoppables [1]
POG: Molly Schlenker, Brett Fisher
2:00 PM
POTG: Isaac M
3:00 PM
POTG: Chris W
4:00 PM
  Kicmaballs [3]
  The Free Ballers [4]
POTG: Daryl S
5:00 PM
6:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, June 11

Double Headers
Last Picked, School Yard Bullies, The Free Ballers, Tri Lambs-Indy #2
Indy Team #4
POTW: Gariet Cowin
Tri Lambs-Indy #2
We could retell the story of Gariet's amazing catch stride by stride, him tracking down the red rubber kickball, sacrificing his body by sliding under the rapidly falling ball, and holding on to it to make a key out in the game but it really would not do the catch justice. Ya kinda just had to be there. After all the high 5's and dust settled, Gariet still had the ball, and the Tri Lambs held on for a win.
Field 1
1:00 PM
POTG: Lisa C
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
POTG: owen l
4:00 PM
POTG: Dave B
5:00 PM
POTG: Brad B
6:00 PM
7:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, June 18

Playoff Dates 6/18 and 6/25
Playoff Seeds
[1] Last Picked
[2] Unholy Rollers
[3] Tri Lambs
[4] Da Unstoppables
[5] FreeBallers
[6] Kickmaballs
[7] Thundercats
[8] School Yard Bullies

Alcoholkicks and Big Red will play in a non-playoff game.
POTW: Andrew Pingree
School Yard Bullies
It's called the Underdog Sports League for a reason, and that reason is that the Underdog always has a chance to win. Today, the 8th seeded School Yard Bullies knocked off the #1 seed Last Picked in the first round of the playoffs. Andy not only helped his team to the win, but as Chad the team captain decribes "He is our MVP every week, but I credit our whole team with the win." Nice diplomacy Chad. <br><br> Congatulations Andy, your team bullied the Last Picked kids right outta playoffs. I hope your are proud of yourselves. You got the win, and hopefully a little milk money to spend at the bar.

Field 1
2:00 PM
POTG: Lisa C
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
POTG: Katy O
5:00 PM
POTG: Andrew P
6:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, June 25

POTW: Daryl Sichler
While pitching for most of the season Daryl shut down opposing teams. Today he relinquished the hill and played tough defense in the field, as well as knocking in the first run for his team in the championship game. He is simply a machine when it comes to kickball and it's no wonder he nets this week's POTW honors. These honors are bittersweet becuase Darly is infact leaving Kickmaball to form another team, Team Saucebag. Best of luck Daryl - and Kickmaball. We'll see you on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for the next season.
Field 1
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
POTG: Corey G
3:00 PM
  Kicmaballs [3]
  Da Unstoppables [1]
POTG: Daryl S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)