Dodgeball Standings

Late Spring Co-ed Dodgeball at the Friendly House Wednesdays

Questionable Catch photo First Place Trophy

Co-ed Dodgeball at the Friendly House Wednesday

  Questionable Catch

The Long Last Stand

The week prior to champs Questionable Catch was long on reserves and had to barrow 2 subs to even meet the minimum player count. This made playoffs look dark. But it was all a ruse!

All players showed up and were accounted for and Questionable Catch won their first playoff series in dominating fashion winning 6-2. Though it was all fun and games, their second series would not be such an easy task as they took the final game into over time and edging out Wrecking Balls 3-2.

The Championship series would end in similar fashion with an extended final game. Ballrats took an early lead and push up to an astounding 3-1 making it look like they all but won the game, and they had. Questionable Catch knew time was the biggest factor and that Ballrats would play it out as long as possible. With the picked up pace though Questionable Catch was able to bring it back and tie the series 3-3 for a final game decider.

After some back and forth outs it came down to a 1v1 for the in the duel lasted ages. Andrea on Questionable Catch vs Ned on Ballrats. Both played carefully always having a ball in had to defend. They did just that, block after block, but Andrea was taking more shots and getting visibly tired. Ned was getting antsy and saw this as an opportunity to move up to the center line which he stayed far back from for most of the duration. But this was another ruse! Andrea was prepared after a missed throw she was able to catch the counter shot and win the game!

View Questionable Catch Team Page
Ballrats photo
Second Place Trophy

Co-ed Dodgeball at the Friendly House Wednesday
Second Place


View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Questionable Catch
12 3 0 24 32
11 3 1 23 28
  Wrecking Balls
9 5 0 18 23
  I'd Hit That!
7 6 1 15 40
  Blue Balls
6 5 2 14 36
5 6 2 12 37
  Awesome Hardest
5 7 1 11 44
3 10 1 7 62
  Chill-a Killas
0 13 0 0 69
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.