Kickball Standings

Fall Co-ed Midcore Kickball at Brooklyn Park Sunday Afternoons

Blue Balls photo First Place Trophy

FALL[08] Co-ed Kickball at Brooklyn Park Sunday Afternoons

  Blue Balls

Brooklyn Endures Blue Balls before it Gets Schweddy
#6 seed Blue Balls uses 3 upset victories to take 2nd straight Underdog Championship

On an absolutely picturesque late October afternoon, Underdog Kickball took center stage at Brooklyn Park Sunday. As expected, the undefeated Schweddy Balls, who went from worst to first in just one Underdog season, strolled into the championship game with a 17-5 semi final victory behind the great play of captain Anna Meiners. For Blue Balls, who entered the playoffs as the #6 seed just one season removed from going undefeated at Gabriel Park, it was a tougher road to the finals. With consecutive victories over higher seeds Orange Moefoes and Brass Balls, the Gabriel champs used magic such as Vibol Bou's first inning Grand Slam in the semi's to set up a clash of the Deep Royal Blue squads in the finals. In a very competitive, back and forth finale, Blue Balls found an offensive streak behind the feet of 2nd baseman Molly Montgomery and center fielder Lucas Hoelter to generate 11 runs and beat League giants Schweddy Balls 11-7 to grab the championship in Brooklyn Park's final Underdog League of 2008. Congrats!

View Blue Balls Team Page
Second Place Trophy

FALL[08] Co-ed Kickball at Brooklyn Park Sunday Afternoons
Second Place

Schweddy Balls

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Schweddy Balls
8 1 0 16 38
  Brass Balls
6 2 0 12 45
  Blue Balls
6 3 0 12 53
  Poke N Pray
4 3 1 9 57
  Orange Moefoes
4 3 0 8 41
6   The Grey Pride Parade 4 3 0 8 47
  SuperHappyGoLuckyBestFriendsTeam, GoTeamGo!- Indy #1
2 5 0 4 91
  Friends of Balls
2 5 0 4 55
  Mr. Team
1 6 0 2 89
  Just Kick It
0 6 1 1 66
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.