Bowling Standings

Late Fall Co-ed Big Turkey Bowling Thursdays at Hollywood

Busstop RIP photo First Place Trophy

FALL[08] Late Fall Bowling Hollywood Bowl Thursdays 7pm

  Busstop RIP

Busstop R.I.P. wins it for their dearly departed...
and last minute spirit efforts in attempt to overthrow Splitheads

A Thursday league to remember forever. Busstop RIP takes the championship, Splitheads the Spirit Award, and Another Drinking Team With A Bowling Problem (ADTWABP) the no-tap winners. After the endless pitchers of beer, plates stacked with tots, fierce competition, and madness throughout the season, the Late Fall league must come to an end. Oh, there was bowling going on, too.

The championship games paired Happy Hookers against Special Math Club and Busstop RIP against Split Happens.

The Happy Hooker vs. Special Math Club was very close all the way through the game. The Happy Hookers brought with them the power of the ugliest sweater imaginable (it lights up, it has little sheer skirts, and lots of nutcrackers), antique bowling shoes, their fashionable bowling shirts, and brand new polka dot bowling shoe covers (for bathroom trips!). The Special Math Club had their signature split-pick-up prizes, determination, and a history of three championship wins under their belts. The game was finally decided with the help of two back to back 10th frame turkeys and Jon's final 179 score, pushing Special Math Club ahead at the last minute for the first round win.

In the next lanes, Busstop RIP picked up their win with each member of the team contributing great scores. With a 615 final score in the first game, they had already picked up some steam for the finals. Notably, Split Happen's Devin picked up another impressive score of 190. One of his many great games throughout this season.

The no-tap competition was close all through the night with many teams pulling in no-taps as if they were worth a pitcher, each. In the end, it was Another Drinking Team with a Bowling Problem that took the prize, each member getting fresh shirts to pimp around the lanes next season.

In a desperate effort to grab up spirit coupons in the final hour of leagues, EPD (with the help of Busstop RIP) created a beautiful song of praise for yours truly. I am still taken aback by the honest love and kind words rising from the pit to my post, above. I imagined what kings must've felt like to have such a kingdom that would sing their name. EPD, I thank you.

Still, though, they did not come close to a season's worth of songs, cheers, costuming, and general excitement that was shown by Splitheads. I mean, really. They came to me with more Spirit tickets than Budda, himself. Congratulations, Splitheads!

All these happenings around them would not slow the roll of Busstop RIP. In the end, it was two great games by Scott and Pat (170 and 193, respectively) that brought them to the win against Special Match Club. Congratulations Busstop RIP!

To all the rest of you, it's been a great time, eh? See you all next season!

View Busstop RIP Team Page
Special Math Club photo
Second Place Trophy

FALL[08] Late Fall Bowling Hollywood Bowl Thursdays 7pm
Second Place

Special Math Club

View Team Page
Split Happens- Indy #1 photo
Third Place Trophy

FALL[08] Late Fall Bowling Hollywood Bowl Thursdays 7pm
Third Place

Split Happens- Indy #1

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Busstop RIP 7 0 0 14 3
2   Special Math Club 6 1 0 12 6
3   Split Happens- Indy #1 5 2 0 10 7
4   EPD 4 2 0 8 8
5   XXX 3 3 0 6 11
6   Another Drinking Team With A Bowling Problem 3 3 0 6 11
7   Happy Hookers 3 4 0 6 13
8   Ballsacs 3 3 0 6 13
9   I Can't Believe It's Not Gutter! 3 3 0 6 15
10   XXX Like Turkey 2 4 0 4 14
11   The Drinking Team With A Bowling Problem 2 (1)º 4 0 4 15
12   The Easy Pick-ups 1 5 (1)º 0 2 14
13   Splitheads 1 5 0 2 18
14   Gutter Balls 1 5 0 2 20
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.