Sunday, February 16th:
Kickball is cancelled today due to field conditions.
Flag Football will be re-evaluated for field conditions by 2:30pm and this alert will be updated by that time.

Winter Co-ed Dodgeball Mondays at Friendly House

Team Profiles

Monday, March 30

Playoffs are Single Elimination, All Teams Will Get Two Games
1. Boiler Room Ballers
2. Larry Gomez Roofing
3. I Blackballed Your Mom*
4. Cougars
5. Get Outta Dodgeballs
6. Rocky Mountain Oysters*
7. Balliston Dodgetarians (BD)
8. Patches O'Houlihan All Stars*
9. Ruthless State
10. Gutter strike
11. Throw Down- Indy #2
12. T-Rex's Ballhog's
13. Threat Level Orange, Indy #1

* Won Tiebreaker (Head to Head)

Left Side= (7v12) v 2 / (6v 11) v 3,

Right Side= (4v9) v (5v10)/ (8 v 13) v 1
POTW: Zach Manning
POTW: Zach Manning
Zach Mannings dodging skills were the talk of the Friendly House. Using moves unseen since the days Barry Sanders, Zach managed to stay alive several times by jumping, dipping, diving, and several times even rolling across the ground to give his Cougars a fighting chance.
Court 1
Court 2
6:15 PM
6:35 PM
6:55 PM
POTG: Michael H
POTG: Justin W
7:15 PM
7:35 PM
  Cougars [6]
  Ruthless State [12]
POTG: Leon C
7:55 PM
POTG: Zach Manning
8:15 PM
8:35 PM
8:55 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Full Schedule