Kickball Standings

Fall Softcore Co-ed Kickball at Sewallcrest Park Sundays

El Diablo Roboticos photo First Place Trophy

FALL[10] Softcore Co-ed Kickball at Sewallcrest Park Sundays

  El Diablo Roboticos

El Diablo strikes on Halloween

El Diablo took control of both their semi-final game and the championship game on none other than Halloween Day. In the first semi-final El Diablo Roboticos faced off against Menace to Sobriety. It was a hard-fought game with plenty of spectacular plays. Yet it was Sarah who made the final out of the game on one of the weirdest plays I've ever seen. With 2 outs in the seventh inning Jayson from Roboticos came charging from first base to third to make sure the runner didn't advance home. Jayson being the jokester that he is decided to purposely drop the ball behind him and pretend to throw it at the runner (who was standing on the bag). The thing Jayson didn't account for is there was no one standing behind him to grab the ball and with his momentum carrying him he ran a good 10 feet from the ball. A heads up play by the runner at third followed as the baserunner ran home and easily made the score. Luckily for Jayson, Sarah eventually got a hold of the ball and tagged the runner out trying to advance to third. Nice save for ending a potential 7th inning comeback!

In the other semi-final game of the day Little Lebowski Urban Achievers squared up against an evenly matched Your Balls My Foot! With the game going back and forth all day Your Balls barely squeaked out with an 11-10 victory after 9 innings. Peter Miller from Your Balls sealed the deal with a game-winning home run in the 9th inning of this overtime game.

The championship game matched up Your Balls to El Diablo and those silly robots started the day off right with an 8-0 lead after the second inning. However with El Diablo's past they knew no lead was safe as they have self-destructed at times in the past but not today! With a couple of potentially huge innings for Your Balls, El Diablo limited their runs and held them off just enough to make this game and season theirs!

View El Diablo Roboticos Team Page
Your Balls My Foot! photo
Second Place Trophy

FALL[10] Softcore Co-ed Kickball at Sewallcrest Park Sundays
Second Place

Your Balls My Foot!

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  El Diablo Roboticos
9 0 0 18 46
  Your Balls My Foot!
6 3 0 12 61
  Menace to Sobriety
5 3 0 10 43
  Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
5 4 0 10 69
  Schweddy Balls
4 1 1 9 23
  Douche Newton's
4 3 1 9 53
  Recess Renegades
4 3 0 8 47
  Booze On First?
3 5 0 6 58
  One Kick Wonders
3 4 0 6 56
2 5 0 4 51
2 5 0 4 55
  Kicking Sunday Mass
2 5 0 4 58
  The Ball Kickers
1 5 0 2 59
  Brews on First
1 5 0 2 44
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.