Bowling Standings

Winter Tuesday Co-ed Big Turkey Bowling at Hollywood

2 balls 1 pin-Indy #1 photo First Place Trophy

WIN[11] Tuesday Co-ed Big Turkey Bowling at Hollywood

  2 balls 1 pin-Indy #1

Indys Take the Championship
2 Balls 1 Pin Leave O'Doyle Rules Runner-ups in the Finals

In our first semi-finals match, O'Doyle Rules! edged out the toga wearing Matty and the Girls. Consistent scores gave O'Doyle a 60 pin victory.

Over on lanes 43/44, 2 Balls 1 Pin scored lower than their average in the semi-final match against Pinfallers. 2 Balls were still able to secure the victory, putting them up against O'Doyle in the finals.

Our third place bout matched up Matty and the Girls and Pinfallers. This time their togas didn't get in the way. Matty earned 3rd place in our closest match of the night.

In the finals, 2 Balls were back on pace. A 180 rolled by Devin shot 2 balls over 600 pins and 100 pins past O'Doyle to earn the BTB Championship. Congrats Indy 1!

View 2 balls 1 pin-Indy #1 Team Page
O'Doyle Rules! photo
Second Place Trophy

WIN[11] Tuesday Co-ed Big Turkey Bowling at Hollywood
Second Place

O'Doyle Rules!

View Team Page
Matty & the Girls photo
Third Place Trophy

WIN[11] Tuesday Co-ed Big Turkey Bowling at Hollywood
Third Place

Matty & the Girls

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   2 balls 1 pin-Indy #1 7 0 0 14 0
2   Matty & the Girls 5 2 0 10 10
3   Where we're going... we don't need lanes 3 3 0 6 12
4   O'Doyle Rules! 3 4 0 6 14
5   Pinfallers 2 5 0 4 18
6   The Milk Carton Cup Cakes 0 6 0 0 22
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.