Bowling Standings

Winter Wednesday Big Turkey Bowling at Powell Pro 300

Guys and dolls who love to roll balls photo First Place Trophy

WIN[11] Wednesday Big Turkey Bowling at Powell Pro 300

  Guys and dolls who love to roll balls

Guys and Dolls Who Love to Roll Balls Also Love to Win!
Putty Buddies Take 2nd Place; S-Show Knocks Out Spirit & No Tap!

Game 1 started off with Putty Buddies taking the lead, getting a Team Spare in frame 3. Sherry aka Nanny was a force to be reckoned with, bowling spare after spare. Balls of Justice I were no slackers in the score department either: they lost to Putty Buddies by less than 50 pins.
Over on Lanes 33 and 34, Guys and Dolls were no match for Hi Ballers 2, despite their valiant electric boogalooing. Kristin (a member of the Dolls part of Guys and Dolls) scored a 196 and earned Guys and Dolls a spot in the play off game against Putty Buddies, leaving Hi-Ballers 2 to claim 3rd place over Balls of Justice 1.
It was a battle of pins between Putty Buddies and Guys and Dolls for overall champs of the night, but Guys and Dolls pulled ahead to claim the title. Members of Putty Buddies had respectable scores (Brad and Sherry) but it wasn't enough to stop Kristin, Zack, Alicia, Brian, Kristen and Bryce from rocking the lanes and winning.
A fierce one-for-one No Tap championship was happening between Balls of Justice 2 and S-Show. Barry of S-Show was first to earn a No-Tap and Dan the Man (of BoJ2, playing for S-Show) soon followed suit. Not to be outdone, Balls of Justice caught up in the second game, with Eric earning a No Tap coupon or two. Alas, S-Show pulled ahead by one and grabbed the No Tap Championship AS WELL AS the Spirit Champs Award. Way to go S-Show!

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Putty Buddies photo
Second Place Trophy

WIN[11] Wednesday Big Turkey Bowling at Powell Pro 300
Second Place

Putty Buddies

View Team Page
Hi Ballers-2-Electric Boogaloo photo
Third Place Trophy

WIN[11] Wednesday Big Turkey Bowling at Powell Pro 300
Third Place

Hi Ballers-2-Electric Boogaloo

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Guys and dolls who love to roll balls 5 2 0 10 7
2   Hi Ballers-2-Electric Boogaloo 4 3 0 8 11
3   Putty Buddies 4 3 0 8 11
4   Balls of Justice 1 4 3 0 8 13
5   Balls of Justice 2 2 4 0 4 16
6   S-Show and Rainbows 1 5 0 2 18
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.