Volleyball Standings

Winter Midcore Co-ed Volleybal at Fernwood/Beverly Cleary Tuesdays

The Kamikazes photo First Place Trophy

WIN[11] Midcore Co-ed Volleybal at Fernwood/Beverly Cleary Tuesdays

  The Kamikazes

Everyone's a Winner
The Kamikazes come out on TOP!

The night started off with some really close games. Both courts fighting hard for every position to move closer to the prize. Every team working together to achieve one goal...friendly bragging rights and really cool 2011 CHAMPION wrist bands of course! E True Volleyball Story was the first team to win 2 of 3 matches to push them through to the championship. IgoNoUgo gave them a run for their money however, each point counted in these rally matches. On the other side of the court the same style of play was happening with The Kamikazes and Swingers 2. Each game was neck and neck. In the end, The Kamikazes would face True Volleyball story for the final battle. A shout out to both Mikes on The Kamikazes for great play making and huge hits,digs and passes. These two were unstoppable. For E! True Volleyball, Drew didn't skip a beat. The first game was close but the Kamikazes came out with the win 25-19. Once The Kamikazes got into a rhythm they ended up squeezing out another take on their component. The Kamikazes won the first two games and they ended up playing a third game for fun. All team had great attitudes and played hard. Marvelously done Kamikazes for winning the league! A season well played!

View The Kamikazes Team Page
The E! True Volleyball Story photo
Second Place Trophy

WIN[11] Midcore Co-ed Volleybal at Fernwood/Beverly Cleary Tuesdays
Second Place

The E! True Volleyball Story

View Team Page
Swingers 2 photo
Third Place Trophy

WIN[11] Midcore Co-ed Volleybal at Fernwood/Beverly Cleary Tuesdays
Third Place

Swingers 2

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   The Kamikazes 9 0 0 18 4
2   Swingers 2 7 2 0 14 5
3   Strangers on the Court 6 1 0 12 4
4   The E! True Volleyball Story 6 4 0 12 16
5   IgoNoUgo 4 5 0 8 11
6   Shaggin balls 3 4 0 6 10
7   You Got Served 3 4 0 6 11
8   Safe Sets 3 4 0 6 11
9   Shots on Us 3 5 0 6 18
10   Serves You Right-Indy #1 2 5 0 4 13
11   Spyk 0 6 0 0 16
12   Free Beer 0 6 0 0 17
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.