Volleyball Schedule

Spring Co-ed Volleyball at Blazers Boys & Girls Club Wednesdays

Wednesday, April 26

Teams may have a BYE week through the season. All teams will still play a full 6 games.
School of Hard Blocks
Natalie Brown
Natalie Brown
Team ToTo
Team ToTo's Natalie Brown was on her ToeToe's Wednesday night earning her the player of the week title! She showed lots of excitement by always being ready to go, smiling, and cheering on her teammates :) Natalie's serves and spikes were powerful! She did great tips, passes, and sets! Good way to start the season Natalie!!
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
POTG: Rosa V
8:15 PM
POTG: Desiree S
9:15 PM
POTG: Wells F
  Team ToTo [1]
  RiDigulous [2]
POTG: Abby D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, May 3

Setsy and We Know It
marie welch
marie welch
School of Hard Blocks
Marie Welch is an awesome team captain! She always supports her team with high fives and words of encouragement :) Marie has lots of knowledge on technique. With good passes, spot on sets, and nice serves she is a very consistent player! She also had this great tip that was well placed! Fantastic job Marie!!
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
POTG: Alex M
8:15 PM
POTG: Sandy- Snapped clutch shots!
POTG: Jose- Awesome left hand spikes even though right handed!
9:15 PM
POTG: Andrew T
POTG: Josh G

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, May 10

Bird on the Wire
Jose Sanchez
Jose Sanchez
All About That Ace
Jose Sanchez is player of the week for giving his all! He had power serves right to the back row, awesome serve receive, great hits, and good passes! Jose encouraged his team with high fives and had good vocalization :) He also had nice hustle and quick reactions! Way to go Jose!!
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
POTG: Amanda W
POTG: Steve G
8:15 PM
POTG: Parker K
POTG: Kirsten V
9:15 PM
POTG: Jason P

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, May 17

Drinks and Bad Sets
Alison Fedderson
Alison Fedderson
Spikes Girls - Indy #V19
Alison Fedderson is player of the week! She works well with her team and helped them to have three very close sets! Alison was talking it up with cheers and high fives for her teammates :) She had amazing saves, nice digs, good dives, and perfect passes! Way to go Alison!!
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
POTG: Sarah A
  Double Digits [0]
  RiDigulous [3]
POTG: Alex M
8:15 PM
POTG: Chazz- Great hustle and hops! :)
POTG: Mike squared- They've become one!
9:15 PM
POTG: Euclides G

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, May 24

Boys and Girls Club
Rachel Kaufer
Rachel Kaufer
Team ToTo
Rachel Kaufer is an awesome volleyball player! She earned the player of the week title with her all around great plays. Rachel had smokin' serves, sweet spikes, and nice sets! She was always running and had words of encouragement & smiles for her teammates :) Incredible job Rachel!!
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
8:15 PM
POTG: Kayla R
POTG: Kristi W
9:15 PM
  Double Digits [0]
  Team ToTo [3]
POTG: Natalie G
POTG: Amanda W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, May 31

Its a Hard Bump Life
Kyle Peters
Kyle Peters
How I Set Your Mother
For the past couple of seasons I've watched Kyle Peters play a key role in his team's success :) He has killer spikes, is the king of blocks, and has great tips! Kyle has amazing knockout serves and he had a sweet quick defense move on a spike receive! Really impressive job Kyle!!
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
POTG: Kyle- Awesome spikes!
POTG: Sara D
8:15 PM
POTG: Lauren C
POTG: Matthew H
9:15 PM
POTG: Kayla R

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 7

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Softcore - Regular Season
Midcore - Playoffs
No games June 14th - gym unavailable
Boys and Girls Club forfeited to Its a Hard Bump Life.
Jacob Guffey
Jacob Guffey
Spikes Girls - Indy #V19
Jacob Guffy is a player who gives everything he's got! His determination to give 100% on the court makes him this weeks player of the week! During his teams double header matches he didn't slow down, he was always on the move, and also positioned himself well! Jacob had nice front and back passes. His willingness to warm up with an opposing team player before games since they were the first people to arrive was awesome :) Nice work Jacob!!
Court 1
Court 2
6:15 PM
POTG: Spencer K
7:15 PM
POTG: The fantastic four- taking it to the end!
8:15 PM
POTG: Michael Z
POTG: Wells F

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 21

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Jason Poole
Jason Poole
This weeks player of the week is Jason Poole :) He always plays such great games! Jason was a blocking machine out there on the court and it was almost impossible to get a ball past him! His passes are very nice! Good job Jason!!
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
POTG: Laurentiu I
8:15 PM
POTG: Michael M
9:15 PM
POTG: Stephanie's BF- Great job rooting for the team!

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 28

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Boys and Girls Club forfeited to Its a Hard Bump Life.
Court 1
7:30 PM
8:30 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)