Volleyball Schedule

Summer Co-ed Sand Volleyball at Delta Park Wednesdays

Wednesday, June 9

Double Headers
Indy #V26
Gary Cardwell
Gary Cardwell
I'd Hit That!
Well Gary can go it all, not only play most sports but also do some work and help set up too. Aside from the
positive attitude and help he made some nice plays too.
Helping I’d hit that win the match Gary hit his serves, got the ball up and also put it down. Nice match!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:45 PM
POTG: Buddy- Not a team without him
POTG: Jacob M
7:45 PM
POTG: Meredith R
POTG: Kayla B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 16

Double Headers
Carole Maskin’
Carole Maskin’
Ready to go with a smile on his face, Masa hustles and has fun. Wether it’s flipping the score or shagging balls he’s helping out.
Jumping at the net, hitting the ball down and diving to dig balls, he’s a team player. Keep it up!

Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:45 PM
POTG: Randall F
7:45 PM
  Indy #V26 [2]
  I'd Hit That! [1]
POTG: Alissa L

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 23

Double Headers
I'd Hit That!
Ben Lysen
Ben Lysen
How I Set Your Mother
Semi breezy night at Delta Park didn’t effect How I Set Your Mother, as it was still all good. They all contributed as usual but Ben was adding some fun as well. Hitting big at the net, while setting up his teammates, Ben was smiling.
Snapping the ball to the server, shagging or serving sky balls, he was getting it done. Nice match

Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:45 PM
7:45 PM
POTG: Ladies night!
  I'd Hit That! [3]
  Sandcouver [0]
POTG: Brad B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 30

Double Headers
How I Set Your Mother
Jacob Mikulsky
Jacob Mikulsky
Indy #V26
Great night for volleyball, cool breeze with clouds, was just right for Indy 26. Fortunately they started to heat up at the end of their sets to pull the first two out 21-19.
Jacob was doing his usual all around work on the court, passing, setting, hitting and having fun. Adding some after match skills too by stopping the ball with phone in hand mid conversation! Nice work

Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:45 PM
POTG: Emily B
  I'd Hit That! [1]
  Indy #V26 [2]
7:45 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, July 7

Double Headers
Aaron Poresky
Aaron Poresky
We'll get 'em nets time
We’ll get’em nets time or the next time but either way they’re having fun and playing hard. Digging hard hit balls from indy 26, putting some down themselves too and hustling.
Aaron was diving all over the court off the net and jumping at the net hitting and blocking. Adding some laughs, good energy and serves he had a nice match.

Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:45 PM
POTG: George K
POTG: Lauren R
7:45 PM
POTG: Ladies night!
POTG: Aubrey B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, July 14

Double Headers
Indy #V26, Sandy Doodles, We'll get 'em nets time
Magalie Grossheim
Magalie Grossheim
Carole Maskin’
Beautiful night at Delta and Carole Maskin took full advantage, working together as a team in full diamond effect. Figuring it out together while not quitting on each is what they do.
Magalie was setting up her teammates hustling all over the sand, diving and getting the ball to her hitters. Adding some one arm saves and big serves, she was feeling good. Nice match.

Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
Sand Court 3
6:45 PM
  Indy #V26 [3]
  Sandcouver [0]
POTG: Randall F
7:45 PM
POTG: Alicia S
POTG: Delisse O

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, July 21

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
How I Set Your Mother forfeited to Carole Maskin’.
Sandcouver forfeited to Carole Maskin’.
Sand Court 1
6:45 PM
7:45 PM
POTG: Peter B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, July 28

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Courtney Thompson
Courtney Thompson
Carole Maskin’
Cinderella story for Carole Maskin indeed. Working the triangle/diamond they were playing well but wasn’t enough to beat Indy. Great final match that went 3 sets.

Courtney was doing her usual hustling, making plays and having fun. Starting off the first set with several aces, while adding digs and bringing the team up with her mojo. Nice match and season!

Sand Court 1
6:45 PM
  I'd Hit That! [1]
  Indy #V26 [2]
POTG: Tess M
7:45 PM
POTG: Delisse O

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)