Volleyball Standings

Spring Softcore/Midcore Co-ed Volleyball at Fernwood Mondays

Unprotected Sets photo First Place Trophy

Softcore Co-Ed Volleyball at Fernwood Mondays

  Unprotected Sets

Protecting their Record
Unprotected and Undefeated

Unprotected Sets was thrown everything that Unsafe Sets and On Your Knees had to offer but they handled it all with some great plays tonight to become our Spring Monday Softcore Champions.

Their first game was touch and go from the beginning and Unsafe Sets gave them everything they had in a close 3 game match. Unprotected just inched out a win third game win to advance to the finals to play the tought On Your Knees Team.

On Your Knees came back with vengeance after a tough game 1 loss to Not The Face. But they kept rolling on into the championship and made Unprodected Sets Work for their win.

These two tough teams played every point to the fullest and made a fun championship night. However, Unprotected Sets wanted it just a little bit more and they held off a late surge by On Your Knees to take home the win!

Congrats to Unprotected Sets!

View Unprotected Sets Team Page

Softcore Co-Ed Volleyball at Fernwood Mondays Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Unprotected Sets 9 0 0 18 4
2   Not the Face 7 2 0 14 9
3   On Your Knees 6 3 0 12 8
4   Unsafe Sets 4 5 0 8 14
5   Bump n' Grind 3 5 0 6 14
6   Blundercats 1 7 0 2 17
7   Great Setspectations Indy #V19 0 8 0 0 22
Spike The Punch Indy #V18 photo First Place Trophy

Midcore Co-Ed Volleyball at Fernwood Mondays

  Spike The Punch Indy #V18

Spike the Punch
Indy team no more, they are a championship team now!

What a true Underdog story we have this season for the Midcore league at Fernwood Monday night Volleyball. Our number 3 seed took it all home tonight. They were ready to win big tonight and that they did. There was no letting up as they swept the night in wins without looking back!

Spike the Punch came came to Underdog as 8 Individuals who wanted to test their skills at the midcore level....Team Tested...Underdog Champions crowned.

The first round was a tough one for Spike the Punch as the had to get past long time Underdoger E! True Volleyball story. But they prevailed in 2 game because they played together like a team and didn't let any thing hit the floor without a diving effort. Lindsey picked up some great digs in the back row while Broc and Tim took care of business on the front line with some big swings. Steven was ready for what came his way with big blocking. Audra and Amanda have been condistant all year long with their setting and serving skills. Everyone took it to the max this week and it really showed.

Lets not forget their teammates that helped them out this season but missed out on their final week. Shannon was cheering from home and they all hope that Patrick was betting on them in Vegas!

The championship game against the Bumping Uglies was the exact same. Spike knew what was working, kept using it and rolled the momentum over to the final game. After two game we crowned them champions. This team showed great improvement this season and never gave up. They were a great example of a very deserving Indy team.

Congrats the the whole Spike the Punch team!

View Spike The Punch Indy #V18 Team Page

Midcore Co-Ed Volleyball at Fernwood Mondays Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Thunder Bumpers 6 1 (1)º 0 12 2
2   The E! True Volleyball Story 4 3 0 8 8
3   Spike The Punch Indy #V18 4 4 0 8 11
4   Bumping Uglies 1 (1)º 7 0 2 19
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.