Volleyball Schedule

Summer Co-ed Sand Volleyball at Brentwood Park Thursdays

Thursday, June 15

Double Headers
Notorious D.I.G., The Sand Witches
Natalie Gardner
Natalie Gardner
That's What She Set
Natalie with the team energy! She may have arrived late but the team definitely perked up when she joined. Natalie brought the power with serves and spikes. She was diving left and right getting the ball up. Natalie was just what the team needed. They began to gain points and volley more. Great job on motivating the team Natalie.
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:00 PM
POTG: Josi: Serves
7:00 PM
POTG: Nate G
POTG: Whole team: the chemistry is there!
8:00 PM
POTG: Katy P

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, June 22

Double Headers
Chewblocka, Sandy Cheeks - Indy #V31
Erik Rodriguez
Erik Rodriguez
Sandy Cheeks - Indy #V31
Erik from Indy team sandy cheeks is eager to play, learn, and grow! He has a special presence on the court. His happy, infectious energy brings smiles and fun to everyone. This energy makes the games so much fun!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:00 PM
POTG: Jason P
7:00 PM
POTG: Merrell B
8:00 PM
POTG: Paige W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, June 29

One Hit Wonder forfeited to The Sand Witches .
Phillippe Gonzalez
Phillippe Gonzalez
That's What She Set
Philippe brings a welcoming and disarming energy to the courts making for super fun and playful games. His jokes often have his teammates in stitches for parts of the game. It’s a joy to hear so many laughs and happy connections happening on the courts because of this players personality.
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
POTG: Kevin S
POTG: Stella for team spirit

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, July 6

Nate Grein
Nate Grein
Hot Dig'gity
Even when your teams mates had given up on a ball, Nate you went for it. One memorable moment was you diving and hitting the ball up one handed. That pop up was enough for your teammate to hit the ball over and gain a point. Nate’s also got a killer spike that he is ready to deliver anytime. Keep up the great playing Nate
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:00 PM
POTG: Whole team: first win!!
POTG: Nate G
7:00 PM
POTG: Paige W
POTG: Katy P

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, July 13

Double Headers
Chewblocka, That's What She Set
Merrell Baker
Merrell Baker
Merrell was delivering serves after serves tonight! When she wasn’t serving, Merrell was setting up her teammates. She is a great at getting to the ball up and ready. Merrell has played for years and had such strong instincts and quick reactions. She makes split decisions such as deciding to tip the ball instead of setting it. Such decisions usually lead to Merrell gaining the point for her team. Keep it up!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:00 PM
POTG: Steven P
POTG: Natasha S
7:00 PM
POTG: Jason P
POTG: Paige W
8:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, July 20

Double Headers
Hot Dig'gity, Scum Passes
Taylor Thompson
Taylor Thompson
Scum Passes
What a great captain, Taylor! He is encouraging his team the whole night. Providing positive feedback. Taylor is also a solid player. He does all that he can to make sure the ball stays up. One shining moment was when he ran off court and successfully used his foot to keep it up. Great games tonight!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:00 PM
POTG: Kevin S
7:00 PM
POTG: Nate G
POTG: Madeline C
8:00 PM
POTG: Paige W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, July 27

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
6:30 PM
POTG: Keri-Kamryn S
7:30 PM
POTG: Nate G
POTG: Paige W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)