Volleyball Standings

Fall Softcore Volleyball at Friendly House Thursdays

Varsity photo First Place Trophy



That Varsity Skill
Win for days

Go Varsity! Tonight the team really showed up for a win. Even with a double hitter you came to each game with all the energy and skills. Varsity has a great lineup several players have killer spikes and blocks for days. When watching them playing, you can tell they are a tight knit team. Varsity is constantly bantering with each other and having an all around good time. Congratulations on taking the championship win!

View Varsity Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Sets on the beach 7 1 0 14 2
2   Varsity 7 (1)º 1 0 14 4
3   Timberlab 4 4 (1)º 0 8 11
4   Fall Friends 3 (1)º 5 0 6 11
5   Roof 3 4 0 6 13
6   Nothing but Net 3 5 0 6 15
7   Valiant Volleys - Indy #V42 0 7 (1)º 0 0 16
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.