Volleyball Schedule

Late Fall Co-ed Volleyball at Wattles Boys & Girls Club Wednesdays

Wednesday, October 30

Teach Me How to Diggie, Tipsy
Kim Howe
Kim Howe
2 Legit 2 Hit
Coming out of the gate on fire! Kim delivered with their serves on opening night. Kim gained points for her team quickly when in the serving position. When the ball is in play, Kim is ready at a moments notice. Constantly watching the ball and ready to get it up and over. Great game Kim!
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
  Ball Busters [0]
  KARLS [3]
POTG: Zach F
8:15 PM
9:15 PM
POTG: Mayur G

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, November 6

Awkward Sets with Friends forfeited to Spike Tyson - Indy #V79.
Spike Proteins, The Empire Spikes Back
Seth Engelhard
Seth Engelhard
Orville Ready-Blockers
Seth, the server they really needed, showed up right when it mattered most. He smashed some amazing serves that helped the team pull ahead and put them in a solid spot. But it wasn't just his serving that impressed everyone; Seth was a real team player. He was always on it, setting up his teammates perfectly and keeping the plays going strong.
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
POTG: Samantha K
8:15 PM
POTG: Saulo S
POTG: Emily M
9:15 PM
  KARLS [2]
  2 Legit 2 Hit [1]
POTG: Paige P

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, November 13

Awkward Sets with Friends, Spike Tyson - Indy #V79
Fernando Chavez
Fernando Chavez
Fernando was on a killer streak tonight! With his teammates setting him up beautifully, he hits a wicked spike. Fernando puts all the power behind it. When he’s not lining up for a spike, he is constantly moving on the court. Doing everything he can do to get the ball up. Great playing tonight Fernando.
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
POTG: Kerry H
8:15 PM
9:15 PM
POTG: Katelyn R
POTG: Erika M

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, November 20

3 Bump Chumps, Setter Up - Indy #V78
Ryan Burlingame
Ryan Burlingame
Awkward Sets with Friends
It might be awkward sets with friends, but Ryan is awkward at all when playing. He is ready to go on the court. Ryan is going after the ball every time and doing his best to get it up. He’s got a strong serve that helps out his team gain points. Great playing tonight Ryan.
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
  Spike Proteins [0]
  Tipsy [3]
POTG: Andy for saves and Erika for her bday!
8:15 PM
POTG: Gregory S
9:15 PM
POTG: Kristina H

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, December 4

Ball Busters, KARLS
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
8:15 PM
POTG: Jasper H
POTG: Audrey W
9:15 PM
  3 Bump Chumps [0]
  Tipsy [3]
POTG: Kindell S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, December 11

2 Legit 2 Hit, Keeping it Civil
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
POTG: Baby ryan! First volleyball game :)
8:15 PM
POTG: Karl K
9:15 PM
POTG: David B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, December 18

3rd Game Ballerz, Orville Ready-Blockers
Court 1
Court 2
7:15 PM
POTG: David for showing up!
POTG: Samantha K
8:15 PM
POTG: Zach F
POTG: Saulo S
9:15 PM
POTG: Chris B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)