Bowling Standings

Late Winter Big Turkey Bowling at Powell AMF 300 Wednesday

Hardcore Fun Seekers photo First Place Trophy

Big Turkey Bowling at Powell AMF 300 Wednesday

  Hardcore Fun Seekers

Hardcore CHAMP Seekers!

Hardcore Fun Seekers took 1st place tonight. During the first game, things weren't looking too great for Andy, Ali, Angela, and Matt. The Merkins were on their GAME (maybe it was the merkins?) but in the end Hardcore Fun Seekers eeked out a win over the Merkins.
Huevos Grande pulled one over on Whiskey Splits to join Hardcore Fun Seekers in the playoffs. Angela's XXX in the playoff game helped seal the winning deal for Hardcore.
Way to go guys!!

View Hardcore Fun Seekers Team Page
  Team Total Score
1   Hardcore Fun Seekers 22
2   Huevos Grandes 17
3   Whiskey Splitz 14
4   Balgreens 12
5   The Merkins 10
6   Balls of Justice 6
7   4.Livin' on A Spare 6
8   NINE! 5
How are Standings Calculated?
Teams are ranked by their cumulative score throughout the season.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.