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4 Leagues and Events at Westmoreland Park - Field 4 Clear Filters
  Co-ed 10's (minimum 4 ladies) - Rosters up to 15 Players

Spring Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Tuesdays

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Teams are guaranteed 6 regular season games plus up to 2 weeks of playoffs for teams that qualify.

Come join us for our most popular sport at the best park in SE Portland! The season comes with 6 guaranteed games in the regular season plus playoffs for those teams that qualify.

League Dates are Subject to Change. In the case of rainouts or other cancellations, the league may be extended.

4.1, 4.8, 4.15, 4.22, 4.29, 5.6, 5.13, 5.20

8:00 PM, 9:15 PM

  Co-ed 10's (minimum 3 ladies) - Rosters up to 15 Players

Spring Softcore Kickball at Westmoreland Wednesdays

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Weeknight kickball in the spring - Play at Westmoreland under the lights!

SCHEDULE NOTE: There will be limited to no games at the 6:30pm and 7:30pm time slots.

Softcore kickball is perfect for just about anyone. The idea is you enjoy the game and like playing with and against others of all skill levels. Midcore kickball is for experienced teams with a more competitive mindset.

6 Regular season games followed by up to 2 weeks of playoffs for qualifying teams.

ProTip: To have a better shot at getting onto an individual team - register w/ a person of the opposite gender.

League Dates are Subject to Change. In the case of rainouts or other cancellations, the league may be extended.

4.2, 4.9, 4.16, 4.23, 4.30, 5.7, 5.14, 5.21

6:30 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PM, 9:55 PM

  Co-ed 10's (minimum 4 ladies) - Rosters up to 15 Players

Spring Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Thursdays

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Teams are guaranteed 6 regular season games plus up to 2 weeks of playoffs for teams that qualify.

Come join us for our most popular sport at the best park in SE Portland! The season comes with 6 guaranteed games in the regular season plus playoffs for those teams that qualify.

SCHEDULE NOTE: There will be limited to no games at the 6:30pm time slot.

League Dates are Subject to Change. In the case of rainouts or other cancellations, the league may be extended.

4.3, 4.10, 4.17, 4.24, 5.1, 5.8, 5.15, 5.22

6:30 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:15 PM

  Co-ed 10's (minimum 4 ladies) - Rosters up to 15 Players

Spring Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mondays

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Teams are guaranteed 6 regular season games plus up to 2 weeks of playoffs for teams that qualify.

Come join us for our most popular sport at the best park in SE Portland! The season comes with 6 guaranteed games in the regular season plus playoffs for those teams that qualify.

SCHEDULE NOTE: There will be limited to no games at the 6:30pm time slot.

League Dates are Subject to Change. In the case of rainouts or other cancellations, the league may be extended.

4.7, 4.14, 4.21, 4.28, 5.5, 5.12, 5.19, 6.2

6:30 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:15 PM