Safely Blitzed
Spring Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Late Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
8 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Fall Co-ed Softball at Normandale Park Stadium Mondays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Summer Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mondays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Spring Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
10 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
11 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Late Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
10 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Fall Co-ed Softball at Normandale Park Stadium Mondays
Captain and
9 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Summer Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mondays
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Spring Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
11 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Spring Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mondays
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
11 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Late Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
10 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
8 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Fall Co-ed Softball at Normandale Park Stadium Mondays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Summer Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mondays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Spring Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mondays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Spring Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Late Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Rege Is Back!
Fall Softcore Kickball at Normandale Park Stadium Thursdays
3 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Fall Co-ed Softball at Normandale Park Stadium Tuesdays/Wednesdays
Captain and
7 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Summer Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mondays
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Fall Co-ed 6v6 Flag Football at Buckman Park Saturdays
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Late Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
3 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Fall Co-ed Softball at Normandale Park Stadium Mon/Tue
Captain and
3 Players in Common
How You Doin'?
Spring Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mon/Tue
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Spring Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Late Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Summer Co-ed Softball at Irving Park Mon/Tue/Wed
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Spring Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Spring Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Mon/Tue
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
6 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Fall Co-ed Softball at Normandale Park Stadium Mon/Tue
Captain and
4 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Summer Co-ed Softball at Irving Park Mon/Tue/Wed
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Cascadia: "United We Ball"
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
3 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Spring Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Park Mondays/Tuesdays
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Late Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Fall Co-ed Softball at Westmoreland Tuesdays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
How YOU Doin'?
Summer Co-ed Softball at Montavilla Park Tues/Thurs
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Spring Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Late Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Spring Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sundays
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark Sunday
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Safely Blitzed
Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Grant Park Sunday
Captain and
3 Players in Common