Early Spring Big Turkey Bowling Portland Tuesday 7pm

Team Profiles

Tuesday, April 25

Playoff Date 4/25
Playoff Seeds
[1] Bourbon Crew
[2] Could have been Curling
[3] Balls Deep
[4] Gutter Punks
POTW: Manon Tanner
Could have been Curling
After 'Googling' the name Manon, I can safely say that there is only one other Manon who has contributed to the world of sports like our Manon did this evening. That being Manon Rheaume, of hockey legend. She was the first woman to play professional hockey, maybe the toughest professional sport of the them all.

But shortly after 'googling' her name, I realized something. There are few sports where it you are asked to consume multiple beers, 1/6th of a pizza, and endure entertaining songs from your opponents, all while pursuing your sport.

Manon, of bowling legend, did just that tonight - and still pulled out a massive 199 to land her team into finals. So to you Manon I say to hell with professional hockey players with the same name. Could she do her sport 1/2 crocked on Red Hook and a belly full of pizza? Hell no! In fact, I'd bet that she trains in an entirely beer free environment. Hmmm, some sport.

So cheers to you Manon, you may share a name with someone who played hockey once upon a time, but my bet is you could out drink, out pizza, and out bowl her... even if we bowled on ice.

xxx The Big Turkey xxx
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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