Bowling Schedule

Spring Co-ed Bowling Thursdays at Hollywood Bowl 7pm

Thursday, March 12

Next week is Supero Hero Night
POTW: Bowltron!
POTW: Bowltron!
Indy #2
Every season, we at Underdog see a lot of team names utilizing the word "bowl" "gutter" "pin" "strike" and "rolling". The deviants usually go for a current event or head over to the side of ridiculosity. Indy 2 of BTB Thursday has fused a bit of both this season. Welcoming committee, drum roll please...


By combining their individual powers into one single team, they may be unstoppable. They are Bowltron, hear them roar. Roawrrrr!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 33 and 34
Lanes 35 and 36
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 19

POTW: Brian Lambert
POTW: Brian Lambert
In the battle for best in show, category: superhero, sub-category: biggest cajones, Brian of PBR destroyed the competition. His Wonder Woman costume was made for college girls gone wild for Halloween (or perhaps oh so common) with every piece of fabric too small in all the wrong places. Thank you, sir. Not only were you able to make us all laugh in envy, but you also burned your visage into the memory of at least a dozen Hollywood bowlers and staff. Well done!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 33 and 34
Lanes 35 and 36
Lanes 37 and 38
  Ebowla [4]
  PBR [0]
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 26

POTW: Spirit Challengers of Legend
POTW: Spirit Challengers of Legend
Happy Hookers
I hear that members of the Happy Hookers may have been brought to this world by Unicorns. If this is indeed true, I should probably give the spirit challenge award to the Power of the Unicorn rather than HH. Since I don't know where the unicorns now live, and I'm pretty sure HH are liars, I'll just have to give it to the bowling team. Their night started off with some serious Voodoo Doughnut brown-nosing and on to completing their "Get Everyone to Hop on One Foot" challenge. Then, not able to stop the roll of their spirit, they helped Ebowla with their "Seranade a Hollywood Staffer" challenge. Kelly wrote and sang with the rest of the Happy Hookers and Ebowla backing him up with shaboobys. Well done, Happy Hookers.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 33 and 34
Lanes 35 and 36
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, April 2

POTW: The Crow
POTW: The Crow
The Pin Heads
Since H.H. must've killed a great majority of zombies in Hollywood with their barrier, bloody weapons, and random survival objects there were only a few out there still left bowling. Thank goodness The Crow was still roaming the halls at the end of the night! Earlier in the evening, before BTB had begun, I had passed him on the way to the front desk. I wanted to take a picture. Then I thought, "what if that's not BTB bowler? What if that's not a costume? What if he just looks like that? Man, I should probably wait..."

Thankfully, he truly was in costume and I got some great photos. Great times!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 33 and 34
Lanes 35 and 36
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, April 9

POTW: 1-800-Sir-Bakes-A-Lot
POTW: 1-800-Sir-Bakes-A-Lot
Happy Hookers
Holy Hookers, Bakeman. A team bake-off for league wide enjoyment? First course, cookies for the entire league. Second course, Sweet and salty chocolate nut clusters. And for dessert? Pie, friends. Sweet sweet homemade apple pie. Praise the name of delicious delectables! Thanks HH!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 33 and 34
Lanes 35 and 36
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, April 16

Top Four Make Playoffs, Everyone Bowls
1. F.E.R.N.S.*
2. Ebowla
3. PBR
4. Busstop A.D.**
* Won Tiebreaker (Record vs. Common Opponent)
** Won Tiebreaker (Total Pins)
POTW: Selena Niles
POTW: Selena Niles
Twofurkey- Indy #1
Happy Birthday Selena! Breaking 100 in both games and getting that first Prize Coupon! Congratulations. Maybe you should have a birthday every day?
  7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Lanes 33 and 34
Lanes 35 and 36
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
  PBR [3]
  Ebowla [0]
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)