Bowling Schedule

Fall Co-ed Big Turkey Bowling at Hollywood Bowl Sundays

Sunday, September 19

POTW: Adrian Baker
POTW: Adrian Baker
The Drinking Team With a Bowling Problem
Oh Adrian! No shot/drink debate this time! POTW goes to Adrian, as well as Most Improved. He bowled a 69 in game one and returned to game two to nearly double his score AND earn a spurkey. Way to go Adrian!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, September 26

POTW: Melissa Lineberger
POTW: Melissa Lineberger
Motion to Strike
Behold the power of a hairy upper lip! This week's POTW, Melissa, can attest to the luck of the 'stache, as she rolled an AMAZING first game of the night, scoring over 100! Exciting times and facial hair may lead to high bowling scores. We'll see next week....way to go Melissa!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 3

POTW: Dave Kowal
POTW: Dave Kowal
oh, spare me!
Wooooooah QUAIL MAN! Yeah, that totally just happened. Underwear on the outside of the shorts, towel cape and a friggin belt on the head. Not only does he make quail sounds, he also leads his team in the great "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!" every time a roll goes between the pins. All of the Oh Spare Me team deserves a medal for their actions last Sunday, but Dave really kept the ball rolling (hehe... get it?) all night long. Nicely done, sir.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 10

POTW: Julie  Fleming
POTW: Julie Fleming
Holy Rollers
Those nerds are a threat to our way of life! POTW goes to Julie for awesome participation in Nerd Night AND her sweet bowling skills. She came straight outta Revenge of the Nerds, reppin' Omega Mu. It must've helped her game, because she bowled two pretty respectable games! Way to go, Julie!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 17

POTW: Scott Brockway
POTW: Scott Brockway
Dirty Sanchez
Check out Scott, with two 'T's for Tater Tots! Scott was scoring big and earning some free tots for his team. The recipient of not only one, but TWO turkeys. He went with tasty delicious tots and I'm sure his team will be thanking him as the enjoy their hot pillows of potato-y fun! But seriously, mad props to Scott for high scores and bowling prowess. Way to go!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 24

Top 4 teams advance, ALL TEAMS BOWL!
(1v4) VS (2v3)
League Ranking

1. Holy Rollers
2. The Drinking Team with a Bowling Problem
3. Dirty Sanchez
4. Green Microgym

5. Motion to Strike
6. Big Leballski's
7. Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
8. Oh, spare me!
POTW: The Jesus
POTW: The Jesus
Green Microgym
Absolutely fantastic costume for Lebowski Night, sir. With the Jesus embroidery? With the doo rag? With some fantastic bowling? Simply amazing!
  7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)