Flag Football Standings

Spring Co-Ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark College

Hardcore Fun Seekers photo First Place Trophy

SPR[11] Midcore Co-Ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark College

  Hardcore Fun Seekers

Championship Bound
Battle of the heavywieghts

On paper this game promised to be a thriller. Hardcore Fun Seekers vs Alcoholics Anonymous. When both teams stepped out on the field, they did not disappoint.
The 1st half was full of action, but was more to get a sense of how each team played. Both team's defense were outstanding, going in tied at 14 at the half.
In the 2nd half, one team would score a touchdown and the other would follow. Alcoholics Anonymous had the ball and their defense forces QB Tyler to throw an interception. The next play, Nathan "Butt Hugg" Barry puts pressure on Hardcore's QB Matt to cause an interception. This was a back and forth battle.
Finally, Hardcore Fun Seekers end up taking a 40-33 lead. With under :35 seconds left AA has the ball and QB Tyler makes a gesture as if at ease, like he's been here before. He marches his team near the end zone, knocking on the door and ready for a score. :04 seconds left, on 4th down and the ball at the 3 yard line. The ball is snapped and the defense is making it difficult for someone to get open. Tyler tucks the ball and runs to the side of the end zone to score. A great heads up play by Shaun McCool who leaves his defender to make the stop just short of the end zone. The whistle sounds and cheers are let out screaming by the Hardcore Fun Seekers who hold on to take the Midcore Championship!

View Hardcore Fun Seekers Team Page
Alcoholics Anonymous photo
Second Place Trophy

SPR[11] Midcore Co-Ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark College
Second Place

Alcoholics Anonymous

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Roustabouts photo
Third Place Trophy

SPR[11] Midcore Co-Ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark College
Third Place


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SPR[11] Midcore Co-Ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark College Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Hardcore Fun Seekers 7 1 0 14 285
2   Alcoholics Anonymous 6 3 0 12 280
3   Favre Dollar Footlongs 4 4 0 8 260
4   Roustabouts 4 3 0 8 219
5   Balls and Dolls 1 6 0 2 279
6   Alcoholics Anonymous Part Deux 1 6 0 2 313
Temper Mental photo First Place Trophy

SPR[11] Softcore Co-Ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark College

  Temper Mental

Amazing Catch For A Championship
Amazing game

Safely Blitz came out looking for a championship, but they had to get past a sizzling, hot Temper Mental team. Both teams played well against each other, making key conversions on 3rd and gender plays. When the whistle blew at the end of the 1st half, Safely Blitz was up 18-14.
In the 2nd half both teams made some adjustments. Safely Blitz quarterback, Julie continued her precise throwing for completions. Temper Mental's Brandon Jones made crucial runs on 3rd and long for 1st down conversions.
Late in the game, with only :12 seconds left and Safely Blitz up 25-21, Temper Mental has the ball, but is about 40 yards away from scoring. The ball is snapped and John Weaver goes deep to the end zone. The ball is thrown to him. As it airs out, all eyes are on John and the defender. John leaps up in the air and comes down with the ball, dragging one foot in bounds as he falls out of bounds. The whistle blows as the ref's hands go up.....touchdown!
An amazing grab. An amazing finish to an amazing game. Congratulations to Temper Mental, Spring's USL Champions.

View Temper Mental Team Page
Safely Blitzed photo
Second Place Trophy

SPR[11] Softcore Co-Ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark College
Second Place

Safely Blitzed

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Banana Slugs photo
Third Place Trophy

SPR[11] Softcore Co-Ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark College
Third Place

Banana Slugs

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SPR[11] Softcore Co-Ed Flag Football at Lewis and Clark College Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Temper Mental 7 1 1 15 179
2   Banana Slugs 6 3 0 12 141
3   This Costs Too Much (formerly Plan B) 6 3 0 12 155
4   Safely Blitzed 6 3 0 12 163
5   Reply to All 3 4 0 6 155
6   I Touchdown There 2 5 0 4 202
7   Danger Zone 1 6 0 2 247
8   Team Play Nice 0 6 1 1 198
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.