Kickball Standings

Summer Softcore Co-ed Kickball at Peninsula Park Mon/Wed

Cobra Kai photo First Place Trophy

Softcore 1

  Cobra Kai

Sweeping Legs and Taking Names
Cobra Kai - First season champs!!!

In their first season playing Underdog kickball, Cobra Kai showed no mercy, taking home the coveted wristbands. With solid play all season long, it looked as though the Cobra Kai's had played kickball all their life.
The semi-final game was a battle, mentally and physically. Hopping to an early lead, Cobra Kai had an 9 run inning that helped them pull away from the formidable foe in Prestige Worldwide. Playing with only 9, they didn't miss a step, and closed the game with some solid fielding; that big red ball wasn't getting behind, or away, from any of these karate masters.
In the championship, Cobra Kai fell behind briefly, but once they grabbed the lead they never looked back. Truly standing out was Mr. Yoder. Using his Stretch Armstrong arms, Yoder made two catches that had us wanting to test him for performance enhancing drugs.
Congrats on the championship Cobra Kai. Now you have to come back to defend the belt/bands.

View Cobra Kai Team Page

Softcore 1 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Kick Madra$$
7 1 0 14 38
  Cobra Kai
6 2 (1)º 0 12 55
  Merino Ball Breakahs
6 3 0 12 84
  Prestige Worldwide
4 3 0 8 50
  Pitch Don't Kill My Vibe
4 (1)º 3 0 8 38
LEVELERS photo First Place Trophy

Softcore 2


Leveling the competition...
And taking home the trophy!

Their boss may not believe it, but it's true; the LEVELERS are champs!!!
In what was an up and down season that proved there is a learning curve to this childish game, the Levelers saved the best for last.
You could say that they were such a formidable foe that the team that was lined up to play them in the semi just didn't show. But the lack of a warm up game proved to be in the Levelers' favor, keeping the pulled muscles from earlier in the season just loose enough to squeek out the victory.
In a back and forth match with the OG Ruby's, the Levelers showed all of the skill they acquired over the season, laying down perfect bunts and making the plays when they needed them. Holding on to a 6 run lead going into the top of the 7th, Ruby made a run, coming within one run of tying it up. A great play in the outfield saved the day, and the Levelers were able to celebrate a season of ups and downs with the biggest win of them all.
Congrats LEVELERS! Hope to see each and every one of you back for more. But be sure to stretch between seasons.

View LEVELERS Team Page

Softcore 2 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
3 (1)º 5 0 6 78
  Ruby Death Squad - OG
3 (1)º 6 0 6 97
  Ruby Death Squad - Nubys
1 6 (1)º 0 2 94
  Bunt Cakes
1 6 (1)º 0 2 81
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.