Ben Nelson's 30 Minute Prostate Evaluation.  plays in a Bowling league

Ben Nelson's 30 Minute Prostate Evaluation.

Late Spring Co-ed Bowling Thursdays at Hollywood Bowl 7pm - SPR[09] Late Co-ed Bowling Thursdays at Hollywood Bowl 7pm
6 1 0

Team Schedule

Thursday, May 7

7:00 PM Lanes 43 and 44
Special Math Club Team Logo
Special Math Club
1 - 3

Thursday, May 14

7:00 PM Lanes 43 and 44
Munsoned again!!! Team Logo
Munsoned again!!!
4 - 0

Thursday, May 21

7:00 PM Lanes 41 and 42
I don't roll on Shabbos! Team Logo
I don't roll on Shabbos!
4 - 0

Thursday, May 28

7:00 PM Lanes 45 and 46
Hot Mustard Team Logo
Hot Mustard
4 - 0

Thursday, June 4

7:00 PM Lanes 43 and 44
Da' Spares Team Logo
Da' Spares
4 - 0

Thursday, June 11

7:00 PM Lanes 45 and 46
Munsoned again!!! Team Logo
Munsoned again!!!
3 - 0
8:00 PM Lanes 43 and 44
Da' Spares Team Logo
Da' Spares
3 - 0


First Place

Late Spring Co-ed Bowling Thursdays at Hollywood Bowl 7pm

The last night of a great late-spring season of Big Turkey Bowling was one for the record books. So many costumes, lots of hooting and hollering, beer everywhere, and a huge win for Underdog's veteran team!

Special Math Club took on Da Spares in their first game for the championship donning their first theme costumes of the season. It was a veritable Mario Party on the SMC side with Bailey in full Mario regalia, complete with fire flower block. The rest of the team had their mustaches on and meant business.

Just beside them, bowling for the no-tap championship and both pulling in a ridiculous number of spirit coupons throughout the season, was Don't F Wit Da Jesus and Bowl Movement. Don't F Wit Da Jesus wept in the beauty of darkness as Goths. Katie's, "Hey" in the most monotone and jaded voice I've ever heard has continued to make me laugh though this next day. Meanwhile, Bowl Movement took on Horror Movie Night with some awesome horror movie masks, dead bowlers, and a ton of cupcakes, medals, and their moms.

On the other side of the lanes, I Don't Roll On Shabbos! created my new favorite theme, from now to eternity. Thongs & Gongs Night. Holy Moses. All members wore thongs over their pants, including one pair of edible candy panties. Their gongs were a couple cooking pan tops and wooden spoons, but the effect was priceless. I mean really...seriously... best theme ever. Pure hilarity.

Ben Nelson's 30 Minute Prostate Evaluation took on Munsoned Again! in their first match of the night. Munsoned Again's, Charles, put up a great 200 game for his team, but the rest just couldn't keep up with the Ben Nelson rolling machines. Autumn's 171 and Ben's 154 were both impressive scores for the Ben Nelson side, their team finishing off their first game with a respectable 599.

Special Math Club surprisingly lost their first match as Grove of Da Spares pulls in a great 181 game. Da Spares took the first game by a slim 12 pin margin, sending Special Math Club to compete for 3rd.

Unfortunately, SMC was unable to pull it together for their second match and the great scores by Munsoned Again's Charles, Orion, and Meghan put them ahead to take 3rd place. Congratulations, Munsoned Again!

In the no-tap battle, Don't F Wit Da Jesus started off on the good foot with an early Big No-Tap Turkey, followed by a hefty helping of individual no-tap spurkeys and turkeys, putting them well ahead of the pack. It was the Thong & Gong crew, I Don't Roll on Shabbos!, that really pulled it together in the second game. As DFWDJ missed a few opportunities, I Don't Roll on Shabbos! pulled in a team Big No-Tap Spurkey and tacked on a ton of no-tap spurkeys to follow it up. I Don't Roll on Shabbos! finished the night only two no-tap coupons ahead. Well done, Thongs & Gongs crew!

The final showdown for the championship between Ben Nelson's 30 Minute Prostate Evaluation and Da Spares was a lesson from the veterans to the rookies. Saving their best game for last, BN30MPE bowled a ridiculous team score of 648. When you're dropping a 151 score in your games, you know you're big league... Well done, Ben Nelson's 30 Minute Prostate Evaluation on your... what?... 6th championship crown!

In the epic battle for the season's spirit champions,
Bowl Movement took the win with a whopping 44 spirit coupons, beating out Don't F Wit Da Jesus by a mere 7. Both teams made every week a party with costumes, chants, lots of booze, and all the rest. As a matter of fact, just about every team made this league exactly what Underdog Big Turkey Bowling could be.

Thank you to all of you! I can't wait to see you all in the coming seasons!

Thursday, May 7

POTW: Ben Nelson

Ben Nelson's 30 Minute Prostate Evaluation.

Can we get serious for a minute, folks? Team photos really make a team. It's true. It's been proven many times over after seasons upon seasons of data collection. A good team photo means a fun and long lasting team. Ben's teams have thrown the team photo out the window for the last few seasons, but then there was Late Spring...

We can all agree that the team name, Ben Nelson's 30 Minute Prostate Evaluation, is just about the funniest thing ever, right? Now, I know it was the workings of executive UD back-talkers, but wow. Ben not only kept the name, but took it one step further in a hilarious photo session that one can only hope will be suitable for the Underdog website. Every step will be taken to make it so. It's that frackin' good.

POTW goes to Ben for being an underdog extraordinaire. Well done, sir.


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